ULMS Resource Sharing Testing

January 26, 2017


It was nice to be able to see many of you recently at the ExLibris Workshops held in Fullerton. Those of you who attended the third day were able to see an overview of the resource sharing workflow. The Resource Sharing Governance Task Force, GTF, is now planning to host a series of testing sessions with each individual campus to provide everyone a chance to do a “live” run through of the resource sharing process. In order for this to be possible, Megan Drake from ExLibris, will be setting up the necessary configurations to enable resource sharing at each campus. The configurations will be distributed within the next 1 to 2 weeks. 

The GTF is planning to schedule training sessions using Zoom during the month of February. We will host several meetings throughout the month. We want every campus to have a chance to be a “live actor” at one of the meeting sessions. We are currently putting together a schedule for the training session and will send out more details shortly. 

At each meeting we will schedule “live actors” to share their screens to complete the following steps:

  • Place a borrowing request via Primo
  • Receive/return a borrowing request
  • Send/complete a lending request

During this process we plan to go over some of the various functions available in resource sharing. At the same time, we are sure there will be many questions regarding workflows and functionality. We hope this will be a collaborative effort. The GTF will take note of any unresolved issues/questions that arise from the training session and work with ExLibris and our colleagues towards a solution. 

We look forward to testing resource sharing on a larger scale with you all. Please feel free to contact any member of the GTF if you have any questions. 

Thank you, 

GTF Stacy Caron (Co-Chair) Dawnelle Ricciardi (Co-Chair) Lina Carro Julie Kowalewski-Ward Gretchen Higginbottom Chris Lee Jesica Brubaker