- Provide a guide to collecting statistics for the entire consortium.
- Gather ILL borrowing and lending statistics concerning fill rate, turnaround time, and any other statistics deemed necessary.
- Process raw data into an easy to read form such as a statistics report and graphs.
- Submit finished statistics to the Web Committee to have it posted to the I-SPIE website.
Statistics Committee
The purpose of the Statistics Committee is to investigate, evaluate, and establish uniform standards for the collection and reporting of CSU system-wide Interlibrary Loan statistics.
Committee Objectives
Committee Members
- Debbie Blair, San Marcos - dblair@csusm.edu
- Lorraine Quintero, San Diego - quintero@mail.sdsu.edu
- Meghann Brenneman, Humboldt - meghann.brenneman@humboldt.edu
- Astra Gleason, Sacramento - gleasona@csus.edu
- Deb Childers, Stanislaus - dachilders@csustan.edu
- Gretchen Higginbottom, Fresno - ghigginbottom@csufresno.edu
- Christopher Lee, San Luis Obispo - clee168@calpoly.edu
- Gretchen Higginbottom, Fresno - ghigginbottom@csufresno.edu
- Kimberley Smith, Fresno - kimberle@csufresno.edu
- Wil Weston, San Diego - wweston@mail.sdsu.edu
- Christopher Lee, San Luis Obispo - clee168@calpoly.edu
- Kimberley Smith, Fresno - kimberle@csufresno.edu