Welcome to the New I-SPIE Website!

January 23, 2024
Image showing a computer and tiny people putting the new website together as if it were a construction project.

We're back! The previous I-SPIE website fell out of use during the pandemic and the site itself had some issues that needed addressing before it could be revived. The main problem with the site is it used the free version of WordPress, so it came with ads that seemed to grow more frequent over time. This was not the most professional look, and we knew we could get a better site. 

Several enthusiastic and talented attendees of the 2023 I-SPIE Conference showed interest in rebuilding the site, so we approached the Chancellor's Office web team for assistance. The web team

I-SPIE Has Moved

July 19, 2023

This I-SPIE site was made using WordPress, which uses ads based on the users cookies. To remove ads, future I-SPIE information, including I-SPIE Conference and I-SPIE TV, is posted to a subsection of the CSU Resource Sharing Wiki. The section can be found here: https://spaces.calstate.edu/wiki/spaces/URS/I-SPIE_2728001544.html 


December 5, 2019
I-SPIE TV title screen

Tune in every month on the first Thursday from 2-3:30 pm to learn, share, and connect with your CSU ILL colleagues!


Currently, I-SPIE TV broadcasts will NOT be recorded.  If a contributor creates a demonstration video to show on I-SPIE TV, that video may and likely will be available for later viewing.  But the I-SPIE TV monthly 90 minute broadcasts will not be.  So be there or be square;  if ya snooze, ya lose.   Make sure to tune in monthly because you never know what you might miss. 

Do you have ideas and suggestions for future I-SPIE TV content?  Send your show ideas to your favorite I-SPIE TV Executive

Successful: 2019 I-SPIE Conference

July 25, 2019
Sunset over the CSUF campus

2019 I-SPIE Conference

The 2019 I-SPIE Conference has now concluded. Thank you everyone who participated! If you would like to access slides from many of the presentations you can access them here:

Slides This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

I-SPIE Conference 2019 -- Registration is open!

May 17, 2019

Goodbye I-SPIE

April 24, 2019
Christopher Lee

By Chris Lee

It is bittersweet to announce that I will be leaving I-SPIE and the CSU system in early June. I will be joining the Utah State University library team as their Electronic Resources Librarian! I cannot overstate how great it has been to work with you all! I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I enjoyed through I-SPIE and the ULMS project! I hope to run into you all in the future at conferences!

I-SPIE 2019 Call for Proposals

February 7, 2019
The California State Unversity Interlibrary Services Partner Information Exchange (I-SPIE) logo

Call for Proposals The I-SPIE Conference Planning Committee would like to invite you to submit a proposal for the 2019 I-SPIE Conference: Explorations and Adventures: Mapping our Future. This year’s event will be held at the Pollak Library - California State University, Fullerton from July 18-19, 2019. The I-SPIE Conference is an opportunity for individuals interested in all areas of resource sharing in libraries to collaborate together and to share information in the effort to grow and improve our resource sharing community.   The following topics are of interest to the Planning Committee, but we welcome proposals on other topics

I-SPIE Conference 2019

December 19, 2018
Photo of pink, flowering tree on CSU Fullerton campus

You are Invited! What: I-SPIE 2019: Explorations and Adventures: Mapping our Future. When: July 18-19, 2019 Where: California State University, Fullerton We are excited to see you all at CSU, Fullerton for I-SPIE 2019! We welcome you to join us as we explore and learn about some of the many unique and collaborative features that comprise the resource sharing world.  The 2019 Conference Planning Committee is diligently working on creating a program that will foster our community’s continual collaboration, innovation, and learning spirit. Please check back regularly for updates and announcements.

I-SPIE Committees

August 3, 2018
I-SPIE logo

People have started signing up for committees, but they can use more people to provide insight, ideas, and support! If you haven't already, please sign up for an I-SPIE committee!

The current membership is:

The Steering Committee:

Dawnelle Ricciardi Meghann Brenneman Jesica Brubaker

Conference Planning Committee:

Stacy Caron

Statistics Committee:

Lorraine Quintero Meghann Brenneman

Web Committee:

(Currently No Members)

I-SPIE: A New Year!

July 25, 2018
I-SPIE Humboldt logo

Another Conference has come and gone which means it is time to sign up for committees and start preparing for next year's conference! Please sign up for a committee, put your campus down as a potential host, and fill out an online evaluation form using the links below!:

The committees you can sign up for are:

The Steering Committee:

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to provide leadership for the I-SPIE Representatives Group and its committees. Committee Objectives

  • Continuously evaluate the role of the Steering Committee, other committees, task forces and

Introducing Karen Wagner!

June 22, 2018
Karen Wagner

By Flora Nunn

CSU Chico hired a new staff for Interlibrary Services Lending and Reserves. Karen started in May and hit the deck running. She is learning quickly and is enthusiastic about working here.  She comes to us with 12 years of experience working for libraries within Butte County Schools in Chico. She is no stranger to CSU Chico as she graduated in 1982 with a degree in Recreation Administration. She is also the mother of two CSU Chico graduates, and has another about to graduate from CSU Northridge! She is married to an Alum from Chico as well. We

Notes on Tipasa

May 29, 2018
Screenshot of social media post showing Dawnelle Ricciardi and Gretchen Higginbottom

By Dawnelle Ricciardi, Sonoma State University

Hi Everyone, In March, Gretchen Higginbottom and I went to the OCLC Interlibrary Loan conference in Jacksonville Florida. This is the conference that used to be called the Illiad conference, but last year and this, OCLC focused on presenting information on Tipasa, the cloud-based platform that will replace Illiad. Although people presented on a variety of topics, these are my notes on Tipasa: OCLC has a website for transitioning: (OCLC has removed this page) You will need to log in with your WorldShare credentials, but then you’ll have access to the Tipasa road maps

Say Hello to Meghann!

February 13, 2018
Meghann standing with redwood trees

Hello I-SPIE community! 

I’m Meghann and I am excited to be the resource sharing coordinator at HSU. In 2013 I began working as a student assistant in ILL at Humboldt. Lina passionately introduced me to the work as a treasure hunter and I still find this description to be fitting. I find that interacting with all of these different subjects and titles diversifies my own reading lists while working with all of the people and places of resource sharing makes my world larger. Outside of resource sharing I am a Humboldt local, I have a passion for plants, horse riding

I-SPIE Conference 2018

February 13, 2018
Redwood tree

You are Invited! What: I-SPIE 2018 When: July 19-20th with an optional social gathering on the evening of July 18th Where: Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA We are excited to see you all at Humboldt State University for I-SPIE 2018! We welcome you to join us on the redwood coast with the county hosting the highest number of artists per capita in California, beautiful beaches, the world’s tallest redwood trees, and a temperate climate (an average high of 65 in July). We look forward to hosting the I-SPIE community and showing you our part of California as it is

Farewell Darlene!

December 11, 2017
Darlene Nowak on horseback

After 27 years in Interlibrary Loan, Darlene Nowak will be retiring from her work as the Resource Sharing Unit Head at San Diego State University. Darlene started her work in ILL in 1990 after working for 10 years at Hewlett Packard. December 31st isn't just the last day of 2017, it is Darlene's last official day at SDSU and her 63rd birthday. The new year should be exciting for Darlene because she plans on horseback riding with her husband in as many National Parks as possible. As she leaves Darlene has this to say to her friends and colleagues in Interlibrary

Getting to Know Mallory DeBartolo

December 11, 2017
Mallory DeBartolo

You probably heard that we have a new member of the Resource Sharing Functional Committee. Mallory DeBartolo is the new liaison to the Chancellors Office and she is bringing a wealth of knowledge about Alma to the team. The I-SPIE Web Committee felt that you all might want to get to know Mallory, and Priscilla managed to snag this exclusive interview! 

Priscilla: If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? 

Mallory: Read, exercise and learn to play an instrument. I have big plans for that extra 8 hours. 

Priscilla: If you could turn any

CleanSlips 4.6

November 8, 2017
CSU+ resource sharing

Update: A few bugs were found and Jeremy diligently tweaked and tested CleanSlips to create 4.6, which fixes the bugs, especially the ones effecting the sticker template. Please download 4.6 in the folder below.  We have a new version of CleanSlips that has several requested enhancements. This new version has been added to the Alma Printing page along with updated book band and sticker templates. You can also access them below:

The previous version is also included in those folders in case you need to return to an older version. The new version was programmed using Excel

Congratulations Anya!

November 6, 2017
Anya Arnold

We are simultaneously happy and sad that Anya Arnold has accepted a position at EBSCO and will no longer be guiding us in Resource Sharing and CSU+. Anya has been a massive help in getting CSU+ up and running. She has shared her knowledge of Alma and experiences from other consortia to configure CSU+, answer questions, and guide us through Alma implementation last summer. Anya will be working with EBSCO to help with the FOLIO This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. program. It will be exciting to see how the program comes together with Anya's input on Resource Sharing. We wish her the best. Thank you

Getting to Know Lorraine Quintero at San Diego

November 3, 2017
Pumpkin covered in glitter paint

By Jesi Brubaker Lorraine has been working for SDSU for 16 years.  She has been working in ILL for over two years now.  Her specialty is Lending.  If you would like to contact her, you can at quintero@mail.sdsu.edu

Jesi: If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? 

Lorraine: I would read, volunteer, and host more parties. 

Jesi: If you could turn any of your job activities into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for? 

Lorraine: Organizing my lending requests. 

Jesi: What do you wish you knew

CSU+ Statuses

October 24, 2017
CSU+ resource sharing

Most of us are accustomed to statuses in ILLiad. If a request needs copyright cleared it is in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance queue with an Awaiting Copyright Clearance status and if an item is being search for on the shelf it has the In Stacks Search status. Alma also has statuses that alert staff to take action on a request, but unlike ILLiad there aren't always associated queues to go with the status. To ensure items are processed quickly many of these statuses need to be checked daily, such as items with the General Messages status. To help understand statuses